Page 7 - FDMAsia MayJun2024
P. 7

MARKET Beats                                           5


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          Forest Industry Releases                           the contribution of the forest-based sector to sustainable

          Positive Signals                                   socio-economic development.
                                                                CIPEM emphasised that approximately seven million cubic
                                                             metres of timber are produced annually from Sustainable
          Forestry sector ups job creation                   Forest Management areas demonstrating that forest-based
          A survey carried out by the Center for Timber Producing and   industries have the potential to provide sustainable products
          Exporting Industries of Mato Grosso State (CIPEM) shows   with proof of origin, traceability and quality.
          that formal jobs in the state's forestry sector grew in the first
          two months of 2024.                                Strategies being discussed for forest restoration
            Currently, the forestry sector employs 12,712 people,   Environmental leaders from the Legal Amazon gathered in Rio

          equivalent to 9.8 percent of the total 128,917 workers employed   Branco, the capital of the State of Acre in the Amazon Region,
          in the State's manufacturing industry according to the Ministry   to discuss strategies for forest restoration and sustainable
          of Labour and Employment.                          development during the 27th Regional Governors' Forum,
            CIPEM commented that in the coming months the trend is   according to
          for the forest-based sector to continue creating jobs as timber   The event, led by Acre's Environment Secretariat, focused on
          industries have been expanding production from sustainable   international cooperation for the development and conservation
          forest management areas.                           of the Amazon, the implementation of policies and economic

            With the aim of expanding trade CIPEM promotes and   incentives for forest restoration and strategies in the private
          participates in national and international events that discuss   sector for preserving the Amazon.
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