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                                                                                      MAY/JUN 2024 FDM ASIA |

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          FEATURES                                           TECHNOLOGY

          15   Stylishly Sustainable: Crafting An Eco-Friendly   34   Using 3D Scanning To Enhance Furniture
               Future For Workspaces                              Manufacturing
               As businesses worldwide commit to ambitious        Product design and manufacturing leverage 3D
               sustainability targets, the demand for innovative   scanning for various applications. Investigation
               and environmentally responsible office solutions   on the effectiveness of 3D scanning in furniture
               is ever greater. Beyond just providing eco-friendly   production shows that 3D scanning in the furniture
               furniture, JEB aspires to catalyse a paradigm      sector is advantageous for developing computer-
               shift in workplace design and foster a culture of   aided design models from early-stage design
               sustainability that transcends boundaries and      prototypes. By Adis J. Muminović, Hasan Rebihić,
               inspires meaningful change. By Jacqui Chan,        Nedim Perva, Vahidin Hadžiabdić and Mirsad
               business development manager, JEB Group.           Trobradović, University of Sarajevo, Łukasz Gierz,
                                                                  Łukasz Warguła, Bartosz Wieczorek and Wiktor
          FOCUS                                                   Łykowski, Poznań University of Technology, Jasmin
                                                                  Smajić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Maciej Sydor,
                                                                  Poznań University of Life Sciences
          18   Tropical Timber Market Report
               Countries are bracing themselves for more stringent   DESIGN
               certification requirements ahead by rolling out new
               standards and programmes; after a weak 2023,
               there are signs of better prospects in 2024, ITTO   42   Championing Sustainability Through Design
               tells us more about the latest developments in the   The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) is
               industry.                                          championing a sustainable material-first approach
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