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CONTENTS              3 | FDM ASIA MAY/JUN 2024


                                                                                04   EDITORIAL

                                                                                05  INDUSTRY NEWS
                                                                                61  CALENDAR OF EVENTS

                                                                                63  ENQUIRY FORM
                                                                                64  SUBSCRIPTION FORM

                                                                                        ADVERTISERS’ ENQUIRY
                                                                                62 NUMBERS.


                                                                                Established in 1986, FDM Asia, formerly Asia Pacific Forest/Timber
                                                                                Industries, is a business magazine on sawmilling, woodworking,
                                                                                wood-based panels and furniture manufacturing.  The Publisher
               that is led by resource availability rather than trends. Their   reserves the right to accept or reject all editorial or advertising
               recent efforts saw them collaborate with inspiring designers     material and assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited
                                                                                artwork or manuscripts. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the
               from around the world who added their unique touches to          magazine, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the prior written
                                                                                consent, not unreasonably withheld, of the publisher. Reprints of
               bring life to wood.                                              articles appearing in previous issues of the magazine are available
                                                                                on request, subject to a minimum quantity.
                                                                                  The views expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the
                                                                                Publisher and while every attempt will be made to ensure the accuracy
          MATERIALS                                                             and authenticity of information appearing in the magazine, the
                                                                                Publisher accepts no liability for damages caused by misinterpretation
                                                                                of information, expressed or implied, within the pages of the magazine.
                                                                                All correspondence regarding editorial, editorial contributions or
          51   Properties Of Wood After Thermal Modification In Closed          editorial content should be directed to the Editor.
                                                                                  The  magazine  is  available  on  subscription  in  Singapore  at
               Process                                                          S$126.00 (GST applicable) per annum by surface mail. Subscription
                                                                                by airmail to readers in Asia Pacific costs S$160 per annum; Europe
               Silver birch (Betula pendula) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)   and the Americas, S$230 per annum. For further details, refer to the
                                                                                subscription card found within the pages of each issue. For more
               wood boards were thermally modified with a special focus on      subscription information, please fax to: (86 21) 6276 4170 or
               increasing dimensional stability and reducing hydrophilicity.    email:
               The research expands our understanding of the thermally          FDM Asia is published six times a year (printed 2 nd  week of
               modified (TM) process in a closed system under pressure of       issue month) by
               nitrogen and its impact on the water absorption capabilities of   Shanghai New Eastern Media Co. Ltd
                                                                                Room 817 YuanDa Building, No.360 Changshou Road,
               wood. By Guntis Sosins, Juris Grinins and Prans Brazdausks,      Shanghai, China 200060
                                                                                Tel: (86 21) 6276 8394
               Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, Janis Zicans, Riga    Fax: (86 21) 6276 4170
               Technical University                                             Website:
                                                                                etm Eastern
          EXHIBITION PREVIEW                                                          Trade Media Pte Ltd
                                                                                         an Eastern Holdings Ltd company
          60   TIWF 2024                                                         Incorporating:  Associate of  Endorse by
                                                                                           Associate Of

                                                                                          The Chinese Academy
                                                                                          The Chinese Academy
                                                                                            of Forestry
                                                                                            of Forestry
                                                                              MCI (P) NO. 039/06/2021 • PPS 1204/06/2013 (022957) • ISSN 0219-2284

                                                                                                    MALAYSIAN TIMBER INDUSTRY BOARD
                                                                                                    (Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities)
                                                                                                    Level 13-17, Menara PGRM, No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras,
                                                                                                    P.O. Box 10887, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
                                                                                                    Tel: 603-9282 2235   Fax: 603-9285 1477 / 9200 3769
                                                                                                    Email:   Website:
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