Page 10 - FDMAsia MayJun2024
P. 10

8    MARKET BEATS                                                                 MAY/JUN 2024 FDM ASIA |

         Flickr                                              UK - US$129.7 Million
                                                             The UK is another significant import market for OSB, with
                                                             an import value of US$129.7 million in 2023. The country's
                                                             construction industry is booming, driven by infrastructure

                                                             projects and residential development.
                                                                The UK imports OSB primarily from Ireland, Germany,
                                                             and Belgium.

                                                             Netherlands - US$106.4 Million
                                                             The Netherlands is a key import market for OSB, with an import
                                                             value of US$106.4 million in 2023. The country's geographical
                                                             location and well-developed logistics infrastructure make it a
                                                             strategic hub for importing OSB.

                                                                The Netherlands imports OSB mainly from Germany,
          Largest Import Markets For                         Belgium, and Austria.

          Oriented Strandboard (OSB)                         Italy - US$102.9 Million

          in 2023                                            Italy has an import value of US$102.9 million in 2023. The
                                                             country's construction industry is experiencing steady growth,
          Indexbox and has explored the top import markets   driving the demand for OSB.

          for OSB and analysed the key statistics for each country.  Italy imports OSB primarily from Austria, Germany, and
          US - US$1.9 Billion
          The US is the largest import market for Oriented Strandboard,   France - US$80.2 Million
          with an import value of US$1.9 billion in 2023. The country's   France has an import value of US$80.2 million in 2023. The
          robust construction industry and high demand for affordable   country's construction sector is rebounding after a period of
          housing are driving the import of OSB.             slowdown, leading to increased imports of OSB.
            The US imports OSB primarily from Canada, Brazil, and   France imports OSB mainly from Germany, Belgium, and
          Chile.                                             Spain.

          Germany - US$182.2 Million                         Belgium - US$73.1 Million
          Germany is the second-largest import market for OSB, with an   Belgium has an import value of US$73.1 million in 2023.
          import value of US$182.2 million in 2023. The country's strong   The country's strategic location in Europe and strong
          economy and growing construction sector have contributed   trading relationships make it a popular destination for
          to the increasing demand for OSB.                  OSB imports.
            Germany imports OSB mainly from Russia, Poland, and   Belgium imports OSB primarily from Germany, the

          Austria.                                           Netherlands, and France.
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