Page 13 - FDMAsia MayJun2024
P. 13

MARKET BEATS           11 | FDM ASIA MAY/JUN 2024

            Investment in residential building construction permits   construction input prices are 2.3 percent higher than a year
          increased 1.4 percent to $41.6 billion in the first quarter. Gains   ago,  while  non-residential  construction  input  prices  are  2.2
          in the single-family homes component (+6.2 percent; +$1.2   percent higher.
          billion) more than offset declines in the multi-unit component   “Construction input prices jumped half a percentage point

          (-3.0 percent; -$647.8 million).                   higher in April and have increased 3.5 percent over the first four
            Investment in the non-residential sector edged up 0.2   months of the year,” said ABC Chief Economist Anirban Basu.
          percent to $18.1 billion in the first quarter. Growth in the   “While iron, steel, asphalt and gypsum product prices fell
          institutional component (+7.2 percent; +$350.8 million) and   in April, oil and copper prices surged, driving the monthly
          industrial component (+2.0 percent; +$76.5 million) were   increase. Rising input prices will put pressure on profits at a
          dragged down by the commercial component (-4.1 percent;   time when nearly one in four contractors expect their margins
          -$389.9 million). Overall, 11 provinces and territories reported   to contract over the next two quarters”, according to ABC's
          a decrease in commercial construction intentions.  Construction Confidence Index.
                                                                “Perhaps more importantly for contractors, the overall

          Construction material prices rise                  Producer Price Index reading for final demand goods and
          According to the latest Producer Price Index report released   services increased 0.5 percent in April,” said Basu. “This is
          by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the PPI rose 0.5   yet another sign  that  inflation is accelerating  and suggests
          percent in April.                                  that interest rates are set to stay higher for longer.”
            The producer price index (PPI) report from the Bureau   Besides, according to APA, Civil engineering prices rose
          of Labor Statistics (BLS) stated that construction materials   to 104.1 index points in the first quarter of this year, up one
          prices  were  up 0.3  percent month-over-month in April on a   percent on the same quarter of the previous year and 0.2

          seasonally adjusted basis.                         percent on the previous quarter, Statistics Austria announced.
            In addition, the change in construction materials prices   The construction price index for building construction was
          for March was revised from a 0.1 percent decline to a 0.1   2.5 percent higher than in the same quarter of the previous
          percent increase. The index of components and materials for   year. In civil engineering, costs rose slightly less than in 2023.
          construction was up 1.7 percent from its year-earlier level.  Compared to the first quarter of 2023, construction prices
            Overall prices for processed goods for intermediate demand   rose by two percent in the first three months of this year,
          were up 0.6 percent for the month. The volatile prices of   compared to 1.2 percent in the previous quarter. To put this
          processed fuels and lubricants rose 1.6 percent. The overall   into perspective: in April, general inflation rose by 3.5 percent
          processed goods for intermediate demand index was 0.5   year-on-year, compared to 4.1 percent in March and 4.3

          percent lower than its year-earlier level.         percent before that.
            Softwood  Lumber  showed  a  big  surge  from  March  to   The construction price index for building construction as
          April, up 6.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted month-to-month   a whole rose to 136.9 points in the first quarter of 2024, up
          basis. Still, softwood lumber is still down 4.3 percent for the   2.5 percent on the same quarter of the previous year and 1.9
          year, unadjusted.                                  percent on the previous quarter.
            On the same annual basis, bolts, nuts and screws showed   In building construction, higher prices for construction
          the biggest increase, up 9.4 percent.              services such as natural and artificial stonework, coatings on

            According to analysis from Associated Builders and   wood, metal, masonry, plaster, concrete, lightweight panels,
          Contractors, a  Washington, DC-based  trade  group,  overall   electrical installations and gas and water installations were
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