Miombo is one of the most widely distributed ecosystems in Angola, with a great social and environmental value. Thus, the rural population uses the biomass as fuel and miombo provides important ecosystem services. The objectives of this work were to assess deforestation in miombo forest, evaluate carbon storage capacity of miombo and calculate the charcoal productive capacity of the forests. By Luis M. Miapia and Virgínia Lacerda-Quartín, José Eduardo dos Santos University, David Ariza-Mateos and Guillermo Palacios-Rodríguez, University of Cordoba


The environmental, social and economic potential of Dinaric uneven-aged forests along with the complex stand dynamics influenced by different long-term management approaches and environmental factors require comprehensive forest monitoring. This study aimed to explore differences in the current status and recent past dynamics of stand structures between unmanaged and managed mixed fir-beech forests in the Croatian part of the Dinaric Alps using large-scale data from an established monitoring system. By Jura Čavlović, Marijana Andabaka, Mario Božić, Krunoslav Teslak and Karlo Beljan, University of Zagreb


Dead wood is claimed to be disliked by the public because it reduces the scenic beauty and recreational values of the forest. Much is known about the preference for landscape with dead wood, but there is little information available about how such a landscape affects a person’s mental relaxation. Hence, the aim of the research was to investigate the psycho-logical relaxing effects of exposures to natural and managed forests with dead wood. By Emilia Janeczko, Ulfah Tiarasari, Małgorzata Woźnicka, Wojciech Kędziora and Krzysztof Janeczko, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Ernest Bielinis, University of Warmia and Mazury, Sławomir Przygodzki, Forest Technical School in Białowieża


Globalization and structural changes in forestry have changed the content and operating practices of timber harvesting. Furthermore, digitisation and new forms of work organisation have changed work characteristics, requirements and resources. The purpose of this study was to find out how work resource factors are related to the work ability of forest machine entrepreneurs and drivers. By Hannu Pursio, Anna Siukola, Hanna Kosonen, Heini Huhtala and Clas-Hakan Nyard, Tampere University, and Minna Savinainen, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health


The use of cross-laminated lumber (CLT) for building construction has gained interest in the US and Canada. Although anecdotal market size claims exist, few quantitative studies have estimated the potential market size or discussed the impact of CLT on lumber supply. This paper presents a method to quantify CLT markets and lumber supplies based on data for the Northwest US. By Kristin Brandt, Dane Camenzind, Dan Dolan, Don Bender, Alex Wilson and Michael Wolcott, Washington State University, and Greg Latta, University of Idaho


As the quality of unharvested hardwoods fibre is low and their outlets in conventional wood transformation industries are absent, unharvested hardwoods are abundant in eastern Canada. The objective of this study was to assess the biochemical and thermochemical energy conversion potential of decaying hardwoods and compare their relationships with external and internal indicators of tree degradation. By Éloïse Dupuis, Evelyne Thiffault, Laval University, Julie Barrette, Direction of Forest Research, Kokou Adjallé, Université de Québec, Christine Martineau, Canada Laurentian Forestry Centre


Health status of oak trees in a conservation seed orchard has been observed for over twenty years, focusing on characteristic virus-suspected symptoms. Screen the oak seedlings in three consecutive years, use a newly established virus-specific diagnostic reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and find out the causes and impact of oak decline so that it would be possible to reforest high-quality seedlings of oak successfully in a time of climate change. By Martina Bandte, Marius Rehanek, Susanne von Bargen and Carmen Büttner, Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute for Crop and Animal Sciences, Bertram Leder, Forestry and Timber North Rhine-Westphalia


Imported wood resources, especially yellow poplar and Chinese poplar, are increasingly evident in the Malaysian furniture sector due to declining supply of domestic wood materials. The successful application of paulownia for furniture manufacturing will depend on its supply volume and economics in the future. By Hazirah Ab Latib, Lim Choon Liat, Jegatheswaran Ratnasingam, Amir Affan Abdul Azim and Manohar Mariapan, Universiti Putra Malaysia, E L Law, Green Afforestation International Network, and J Natkuncaran, University of Wollongong


In Estonia, hardwoods form approximately 50 percent of all forest area, where the main species are birch, grey alder, aspen and black alder. Birch has been extensively used by the veneer-based industry, but species like black alder, grey alder and aspen have not been commonly used by the veneer-based products industry due to the lower quality of this resource. It was found that with proper lay-up schemes, these wood species could be successfully used by the veneer-based products industry. By Heikko Kallakas, Anti Rohumaa, Harti Vahermets and Jaan Kers, Tallinn University of Technology


Australia is following the lead of Europe and North America with several recent projects being completed using predominately cross-laminated timber panels (CLT). However, veneer-based mass-panel (VBMP) systems could offer additional benefits including the more efficient use of the available forest resources to produce wood-based mass-panels (WBMPs) that have equivalent to superior performance to CLT. By Robert L Gavin and Tony Dakin, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Horticulture and Forestry Science, and Jon Shanks, TimberED Services

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